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"I think I've lived long enough to see competitive Counter-Strike as we know it, kill itself." Summary of Richard Lewis' stream (Long)

I want to preface that the contents of this post is for informational purposes. I do not condone or approve of any harassments or witch-hunting or the attacking of anybody.
Richard Lewis recently did a stream talking about the terrible state of CS esports and I thought it was an important stream anyone who cares about the CS community should listen to.
Vod Link here:
I realize it is 3 hours long so I took it upon myself to create a list of interesting points from the stream so you don't have to listen to the whole thing, although I still encourage you to do so if you can.
I know this post is still long but probably easier to digest, especially in parts.
Here is a link to my raw notes if you for some reason want to read through this which includes some omitted stuff. It's in chronological order of things said in the stream and has some time stamps.


CSPPA - Counter-Strike Professional Players' Association

"Who does this union really fucking serve?"

ESIC - Esports Integrity Commission

"They have been put in an impossible position."

Stream Sniping

"They're all at it in the online era, they're all at it, they're all cheating, they're all using exploits, probably that see through smoke bug got used a bunch of times"

Match Fixing

"How many years have we let our scene be fucking pillaged by these greedy cunts?" "We just let it happen."

North America

"Everyone in NA has left we've lost a continents worth of support during this pandemic and Valve haven't said a fucking word."


"TO's have treated CS talent like absolute human garbage for years now."


"Anything that Riot does, is better than Valve's inaction"

Closing Statements

"We've peaked. If we want to sustain and exist, now is the time to figure it out. No esports lasts as long as this, we've already done 8 years. We've already broke the records. We have got to figure out a way to coexist and drive the negative forces out and we need to do it as a collective and we're not doing that."

submitted by Tharnite to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

[Axial Tilt] Destination Vacation

Entry for the Extreme Environments catagory.

“Anything else I can get you?”
“No, no. This is great, thank you.”
The human started sipping his drink as ChashelVel nodded and made his way back to behind the bar. He immediately started to clean out the citrousy, alcoholic remnants of the drink he had just served from the blender that had created it, blinking his nictitating membranes in astonishment as he did so. Vel would never understand why anything would willingly drink something that was half ice.
Not that Vel was complaining about human patronage. His little bar had been hanging by a thread a few years ago, and now he was already planning his second expansion. And it was all due to these crazy humans.
Vel’s little establishment was certainly nothing to look at. It was a ramshackle old building, only held together with patchwork and prayer, as some of the visiting humans liked to say. The keshfiber floorboards and frame were old and weathered, their natural luster long since supplanted by dull grey. Vel had placed giant, leafy, potted plants inside wherever he could in a desperate bid to hide some of the most noticeable wear and tear. By blind luck, this had created an aesthetic that humans went wild over.
A crisp, refreshing breeze was blowing in from off the sea, carrying the briny scent of the water with it. The open air patio of Vel’s bar looked out over the short span of beach leading up to the water, and sapphire blue waves were lapping at the white sand not 50 meters away. The moons were to thank for that, as all three of them were directly overhead, and the tides were at their peak as a result.
Vel flicked his eyes over to his thermometer. 37.5 degrees; it was nice and cool for him. He had initially set up his bar here so that members of his own species could have a place to relax if they had been overworked and wanted to drop a climate zone and cool down for a few days. Vel had never dreamed that anyone other than a fellow Vendrrin would be a patron here. There wasn’t a species in the entire Federation that could handle the heat his species thrived in, and even at a Vendrrin’s coolest acceptable temperature ranges, most xenos would be incredibly uncomfortable.
To anyone from another species, Vel’s little pile of sand was just the mostly inhospitable northern edge of the extremely inhospitable habitable climate band on a farming world meant for the sapient species with the highest known temperature requirements. But not humans. They saw this hunk of beach as a tropical paradise, and they were out here playing in these temperatures. It was utterly bizarre, but it had been a boon to Vel and he was determined to enjoy every second of it.
“Hey boss, when can I get out of here for the day?”
“I don’t know, KlevinkthTial, is your work for the day finished?” Vel tried as hard as he could to keep his frustration and disappointment from seeping into his voice, but it became more and more difficult with each syllable he uttered to his newest employee.
“Well, yeah, mostly. The new filter system is all set up, I just have to attach it to the pump. I can finish up first thing tomorrow.”
“If it will be so quick, why can’t you just do it now?”
“Come on, I’ve been at this all day. Some of the humans are supposed to be setting up a new game today. Botch-something. I wanted to check it out”
“How much water is left in the tanks to get us through until tomorrow if we don’t get the filters up and running now?” Vel knew the exact amount, but was curious about the answer he would get.
“Eh, a few gallons,” Tial said tentatively.
“This is a bar. 90 percent of our income is from serving drinks. We need water to be able to function. You understand that right? We won’t make it halfway through the evening. Now go hook the filters up to the pumps and make sure everything works. Then you can be done for the day.”
The young Vendrrin grudgingly headed back towards his task with a sigh. Vel blinked his membranes a few times in frustration as he watched Tial walk away. At least Tial had been honest about the water levels. Vel could work with that.
He spent the next few minutes tidying up his bar before contemplating the humans managed to distract him from his concerns about Tial’s work ethic. A group of humans was playing a game of volleyball on the beach against a group of Vendrrin. While the humans had a remarkable advantage in strength and raw speed due to their high-g origins, the Vendrrin’s advanced reflexes were allowing them to put up a surprisingly good showing.
Vel’s eyes flicked once again towards the thermometer on the wall, but this time gaze carried a little further and stopped on the picture he had pinned next to it. It was a photo one of Vel’s first human customers had given him of their pet leopard spotted gecko. And it was like Vel was looking into a mirror. True, the pet lizard was tiny, it wasn’t bipedal, and most of its body proportions were wrong, but everything else was straight out of the uncanny valley.
With the massive diversity of known life throughout the galaxy, convergent evolution had played similar tricks on several other sapient species, but Vel had never heard of a resemblance this close. All of Vel’s employees thought he was strange for keeping the picture pinned where he did, but he had never paid them any mind. He couldn’t explain why, but that gecko helped him keep his perspective on life whenever things were getting crazy.
Vel had to consciously pull himself back to his cleaning before he meandered too far into his own thoughts, and turned away from the gecko picture. He set about his tasks with a renewed vigor, and had just finished organizing the glassware when his favorite customer slid onto the barstool directly across from him.
Daniel Cross was a large man by human standards, barrel chested and with arms thicker than a Vendrrin torso. His massive frame was covered by a baggy pair of shorts and an incredibly loud shirt patterned with leafy trees, while his feet were covered only by open toed sandals. Dark sunglasses obscured his eyes, and the rest of his face was hidden behind the mop of sandy brown hair on his head and a bushy beard of the same color. He was half a head taller than Vel, and easily five times as wide. Vel didn’t even want to consider the disparity in actual mass between them, and his bar seemed to agree, groaning slightly as the burly human leaned across to greet his old friend.
“Well damn, Vel, when you told me you were expanding, I thought you’d at least make the place look a little nicer.”
“Hey, you dumb apes like the look of this place for some stupid reason. Who am I to disappoint my customers. It took a lot of time and effort to find enough keshfiber that was so weatherworn.”
“Smart man. Now, I’ve heard tales on the ride down that you have somehow learned how to make a proper margarita? If that’s true, I need two of them. The haul out here was an absolute bastard.”
“Lucy still giving you trouble?” Vel asked, as he started pouring ingredients into the blender.
“Trouble’s an understatement. She needs to have her whole damn drive core replaced. I don’t know if we got a faulty model or if it was just installed incorrectly, but I’ve got no clue how it managed to get us here. Spent a lot of sleepless nights just trying to keep Lucy from sneezing us out of sub-space. You know Bill, though. If I can fix it, he isn’t going to spend the money to replace it. Sometimes being gifted’s a curse, ya know?”
“Where is Bill?”
“Oh, he’s still in orbit wheeling and dealing. Doesn’t need the engineering crew to haggle, though, so he sent us down for R&R early. Probably knew we’d revolt if he didn’t.”
The blender pulsed, loudly interrupting their banter for a moment. When it stopped, Vel was quick to fill a pair of glasses with the slushie concoction and set them in front of Dan. The massive slab of mammal immediately grabbed one of the glasses and drained it in one long pull before slamming the glass down with a shudder.
Vel was about to ask Dan about the rest of his crewmates, but stopped before the words could form. The massive human had suddenly stiffened, his head had tilted to the side, and his face was clearly strained. Realizing something was obviously wrong, Vel started scrambling for a communicator to call for first aid. “Are you all right? What happened?” Vel asked, trying to figure out what had gone so suddenly awry.
“Ah, no. I’m fine. I’m fine. SHIT. Whoo, damn!” Dan shuddered violently one last time and then settled easily back into his previous, relaxed posture with his trademark grin on his face. “Brainfreeze, Vel. It was just a brainfreeze. I’m fine. Calm down, little buddy. Holy shit did that hit the spot, though. Damn good magarita, by the way. Whoever taught you to make these deserves a raise.”
Dan eagerly raised his second drink and started sipping. Vel stood staring at him slack jawed and with membranes blinking furiously, his hastily found and forgotten com-pad dangling precariously from his fingertips.
“Brain what?
“Yeah. If too much frozen food hits the roof of our mouth, it starts pulling heat from our brains, and… You know what, don’t worry about the details. It’s just a thing that can happen. It kinda hurts, some people enjoy them. There’s no need to worry about it.”
Vel was sure of it now. Humans were all insane. Any creature that would drink ice and willingly subject themselves to what was obviously excruciating pain couldn’t be all there mentally. Vel’s eyes flicked over to his gecko picture, and he took a few deep, calming breaths. He reminded himself that the universe was more massive than he could possibly imagine, and he was just a small piece of it. The details didn’t matter, and there was no reason to stress. With a final series of slow blinks, Vel started cleaning up the mess he had made scrambling to call for aid.
The two old friends sat in silence for several minutes, the big human sipping his drink, the slender reptile fastidiously organizing his bar. A fresh breeze blew in from the sea, rustling the fronds of the potted plants and blowing some of Dan’s sandy hair out of his face.
“You know, Vel,” Dan finally said, breaking the silence. “You really should look into buying more property along the coast of this sea. Especially farther north. What’s the climate like on the North shore?”
“About 25 degrees,” Vel replied after giving it some thought.
“Year round?”
“Pretty much.”
“Yeahhh. You need to invest in as much of that as you can. Once word really starts getting out about this place back in the Commonwealth, you are going to be absolutely flooded with humans. 37.5 is a bit on the warm side for us, but 25? That’s perfect. Mark my words. Within a generation, this place is going to be a tourist Mecca.”
“That’s way too cold for Vendrrin to operate in easily.”
“So? Buy the beach, build the resort, then hire humans to run it.”
“But Colventheth is a farming colony.”
“For now. But with those moons? Hawaii aint gonna have shit on this place. Most of our colonies aren’t fully terraformed yet. Bet your ass there will be people lining up to spend a month each way on a freighter just to spend a week here.”
Vel blinked doubtfully. “I don’t know. It just sounds…”
A thunderous boom and an accompanying low, dull roar prevented Vel from finishing his sentence. What had sounded like an explosion had come from the rear of the building, and what sounded like rushing water was filling the auditory void the blast had left behind.
“The hell was that?” shouted Dan.
Before Vel could answer, KlevinkthTial rushed out of the kitchen area panting, his jumpsuit soaked completely through with water.
“What did you do?” Vel bellowed, grabbing Tial by his soggy jumpsuit.
“I don’t know. I hooked the filters up just like the instructions said, I was running the test protocols, and everything started overpressurizing. Before I could turn everything off, a line blew somewhere, and then the pump just exploded. Now the tide is just forcing water through the system, and I don’t know how to make it stop.”
Tial may have been a slacker, but he was no idiot. Vel looked him over in a flash, and he was clearly mortified. Consequences for Tial would have to come later, though.
“Where did the line blow? Was it in the building anywhere?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t have time to find it.”
Without waiting for another word, Vel sprinted into the back of his bar. He barely noticed Dan effortlessly vault the counter and follow him. Vel tore through the kitchen to the backmost corner of the building to find the utility space in ruins. The pump motor had exploded, everything in the vicinity had been soaked, and water was gushing out of the ruined apparatus onto the floor. It looked awful, but other than the pump, nothing major had been destroyed. A quick patch would prevent any more water getting in, and then it would be just a simple mop up. Unfortunate, but not a disaster. Vel grabbed one of Tial’s wrenches and started towards the destroyed pump.
“Hey boss! I found the blown line!”
Vel turned towards the sound of Tial’s voice, and his heart nearly stopped. Tial was standing behind the door to the walk in freezer, tentatively holding it open an inch and using the door to shield himself from the dangerously cold air that was rushing out. Water was streaming from the opened door, far more than was coming from the pump.
The water pipes running underneath the building had ruptured directly below the walk in deep-freezer. Fixing the blown line quickly would require going into the freezer, and the temperatures inside were well beyond lethal to Vendrrin. Knowing exactly what he would find, Vel turned back towards the utility corner where, across from the pump and filter station, the bar’s freezer suit was hanging. Seven layers of insulation thick, and woven through with powered heating filaments, the freezer suit was more robust than a spacer’s vac suit, and was the only thing that would allow a Vendrrin to survive the temperatures that long term food storage required.
And Vel’s was soaked clean through.
Vel was ruined. The only way to stop his bar from flooding was to get the pipes sealed off. And he couldn’t do that without taking a day to dry out his freezer gear, or turning off the freezer until it was safe enough to work in and losing all of his frozen product, costing him his entire inventory. Vel had spent years stocking his long-term supplies with delicacies from around the galaxy. His stock wasn’t large, but it was varied, and it was expensive. Even if he could recover from the loss financially, it might be years before he ever saw the opportunity to buy some of his more exotic items again.
“Eh, that doesn’t look too bad.”
Vel spun to find Dan pulling his head out of the opened freezer door. “What do you mean, ‘not that bad?’ This is a disaster!”
“Nah, it’s just a busted pipe,” Dan said, striding across the kitchen towards Tial’s pile of tools, his feet sloshing as he went. He stopped and picked up a tube of sealant, a patch, and a wrench before sloshing his way back towards the freezer. “I’ll have it fixed in a minute. You just work on that busted pump.”
The Vendrrin entrepreneur watched in a daze, not fully processing what was happening, as his favorite human walked up to the freezer door, wearing nothing but his baggy shorts, loose shirt, and sandals, and simply walked inside to his death.
Vel stared at the freezer door for a full thirty seconds before the full weight of what he had just witnessed hit him and he was able to recover his sensibilities. He was across the kitchen in a flash, pounding on the freezer door and screaming for Dan to come out, hoping against all odds it wasn’t too late. Vel even briefly opened the freezer door, determined to go after the crazed human and somehow drag him out, but just the lightest touch of the frozen air was too painful for the Vendrrin to bear.
He didn’t know what to do. There was nothing he could do. Vel had just watched his favorite xeno die, and it happened for absolutely no reason. If the pipe had just burst anywhere else…
“Tial, help me plug up the pump!” There was a frenzy underlying Vel’s tone as he called for his employee and rushed towards the pump. If he could stop the leak, maybe he could enact some quick repairs, or depressurize the system, maybe there would be a chance that Dan was still alive and would somehow come out of the freezer on his own.
The two Vendrrin reached the pump at the same time, Tial sharing his bosses urgency. The work was frantic, but they worked in perfect sync, and within minutes, the last drops of water had hit the kitchen floor. Vel then turned his attention to the pump controls, trying to find a way to reverse the flow of the system, but it was beyond hope. The entire motor was shot, and every electrical interface was completely soaked.
Vel slumped down against the wall, defeated. He looked up at the freezer suit hanging by his head. Maybe if he were to throw it in the oven to try and speed dry it…
No. There was nothing more to do. It had been at least five minutes since Dan had entered the freezer. Dan was dead. There was no denying that now. How was Vel supposed to tell Bill what had happened? That his sibling had just up and killed himself? Would anyone believe that? Was that something humans did?
The freezer door burst open in a swirling cloud of frozen fog as Dan’s hulking form stepped out and slammed the door behind him.
“Son of a BITCH, it’s cold in there!” he yelled, giving a quick violent shake for emphasis.
He stood in front of the freezer door panting, and every inch of exposed skin was flushed a bright red. His loose and very loud shirt sat rigidly on his body, every fiber soaked and frozen together to encase Dan’s torso in a stiff shell. Most striking, though, was Dan’s face. Every hair was coated in ice crystals, from his eyebrows and eyelashes to the tip of his beard. Even the sandy haired mop on top of his head had lost all flexibility, staying weirdly in place as Dan moved underneath it.
“Well, that was refreshing. Pipe’s all patched up. Everything good out here? Why are you guys staring at me like that?”
“You should be dead,” was all that Vel could choke out in response. He was still sitting on the floor where he had slumped, held in place by shock. Vel was thrilled that Dan was still alive, but was very, very confused as to how such a thing was possible.
“Dead? The hell are you talking about?”
“The cold. You went in without any protective coverings. It should have killed you.”
“I mean, I probably couldn’t have stayed in there for too much longer without getting some frostbite or something. It’s not that cold in there, is it? How low do you have the temp set?” Dan asked incredulously. The ice on his face was beginning to melt, and as he spoke drops of water started to trickle down his face and beard before dripping to the floor.
“-25 degrees.”
“Shit, I’m from the Midwest. That’s damn near golfing weather back home.”
Vel stared at the giant, frost covered monster that was his friend for a long minute, watching as chunks of ice sloughed off his face before finally organizing his emotions enough to stand. When he spoke, his voice was tired and oddly emotionless.
“Thank you, Dan. You really saved me just now. I could have lost everything if you hadn’t been here. Drinks are on the house. Tial, can you start mopping up? I’m going to go make some calls about new pump and filter systems. I’ll be back to help when I’m done.”
Without waiting for a reply from either of them, Vel made his way out to the bar and fished out his compad. As he was scrolling through contact numbers for various plumbers and contractors, his eyes flicked up once again to the picture of the leopard spotted gecko. This time, though, it wasn’t enough to help Vel center himself. It only left him with a nagging question in the back of his mind:
Why was everything involving humans so damn weird?
submitted by STATICinMOTION to HFY [link] [comments]

The Lots of Little Shorts: 2021 $TSLA Best Trade Deal in the History of Trade Deals YOLO.

Alright folks, buckle up and Charge your batteries. This play's going to smack you all the way back to 1999.
First, a recap. WSB has proven to the world that retail matters. With the power of the hive mind, leveraged options trading, and distinctly fragile market conditions, we've refueled a few businesses that were written off by the street. And we made some money doing it. To no one's surprise, the gaslighting boomers called us manic, irrational, and stupid. They hired CNBC to dismiss us, politicize us, patronize us, or accuse us of cheating. They told us to go back to watching Netflix and let the big boys steer the ship.
Fact is, we all know the GME play was no smooth brained fluke. The strategy formed organically, built on a masterly combination of market technicals, narrative, underlying facts, and community research. A few timely events, and we took off to the stratosphere.
Now it's time to let them know that we can also bring things back down to earth. It's time to prove that us lovely commoners are grounded, sophisticated analysts--or at least, we're fast learning newbs. We are measured in judgement, clear in action, helpful to our communities. And we're having some fun. Retail is not a stupid mob, we are a collective social intelligence.
So there's my heartfelt intro, now onto the play.
Two words, and you're not going to like it:Short. Tesla.
I'll give you a minute.
If you just bought $TSLA and think all stonks only go up, you can skip to the comments, turn caps lock ON, and go nuts. Stonks to infinity means hyperinflation. You're a millionaire, and a burger costs 12k. No thanks. So here's the breakdown.
Table of Contents. (That's right.)
  1. The Gravity. Hive Mind is Uploaded: Retail Options Control the Delta Hedge.
  2. The Mass. All Roads lead to Mars...and Back. Passive Inclusion of $TSLA, the "God Meme".
  3. The Playing Field.
  4. The Trade.
  5. The Risks.
  6. The Endgame. Power to the Players.
Let's goo.

I. The Gravity. The Hive Mind is Uploaded. Retail Options Control the Delta Hedge.

Let's start with what we know. We're all poor and the Hedge Fund managers are rich. If you add together all retail investors, our funds would barely tick on the balance sheet of your local BlackRock. There's a reason they're called the 1%.
So what gives? How can a few Reddit analysts and their YOLO followers trigger cascading rallies across multiple tickers, even moving the very SPY itself?

GME vs SPY, during the Deep Fuckin Squeeze
To grasp the answer, you need to understand one thing about Delta-Hedging. Delta Hedging is what Market Makers do to stay 'risk neutral' while buying or selling options.
It works like this: When a Market Maker sells you a Call option, they also buy more Shares as hedge. That way, if the call ends up being right, they already have the Shares to sell you, and they've made a little profit on the price increase. If they didn't do the Delta Hedge, the Market Maker would have to go out and buy those shares above the Strike Price, then sell them to you at a loss.
There's more to it, but thats all you need to know here.
We saw these dynamics at play with GME. You probably heard the terms Delta Squeeze, Gamma Squeeze, Short Squeeze, etc.
As you recall, the squeeze happened because lots of people started going long GME. The more people went long, the more shares Mr. Market Maker had to buy, which sent the price higher and higher, tempting more and more people to buy in and go long. It's a feedback loop, sparked by a few retail traders at the bottom of the food chain.
As Alex Harfouche, former head of Goldman Sachs' European block trading, keenly points out:
"Basic maths can demonstrate that the massive price moves are not ONLY a function of Reddit retail crowd YOLOing calls turning MMs into delta-hedging chasers. 15% to 20% of daily traded calls become OI (they are day traded) hence have no effect on dynamic delta-hedging. This leaves one explanation to the parabolic moves: when Reddit starts concentrating call buying volumes on some names, some keen observers are using this as a signal and fueling the moves."
The $TSLA Delta Squeeze has been more prolonged, and MUCH more YUGE, but it follows the same mechanics. The more speculative calls, the more shares Market Makers have to buy up. Price goes up, speculation increases. It's a feedback loop, with little retail at the bottom, deciding everything.
That's the Gravity. Now onto the Mass.

II. The Mass. All Roads lead to Mars...and Back. Passive Inclusion of $TSLA, the "God Meme".

The second turbocharger that sent $TSLA soaring is pure courtesy of boomer mismanagement. They're called passive index funds, like the beloved SP&500. If you're not familiar, these funds track the 'biggest companies' and continuously rebalance their portfolios to hold an weighted distribution of shares.
Once the Delta-Squeeze hit the magic number, $TSLA was signed up to be included in these Passive Funds. This resulted in a astronomical amount of forced buying. For example, the Vanguard S&P 500 index fund, the OG passive index-tracking investment fund, has assets of over $600B. To bring Tesla up to the required 1.6% of its portfolio, Vanguard has to buy about $10B worth of Tesla shares. Just because.
And Vanguard is just the tip of the iceberg. According to Barron’s, “between $5 trillion and $6 trillion are invested in funds indexed to the S&P 500.” Because of arcane indexing algorithms, these funds were forced to buy around 120 million shares of Tesla, worth $80-100B, and divest $80-100B of other holdings, to align their portfolios with the new index composition. That's a whole lot of Buy Pressure.
But that's not it. An additional estimated $6.7 trillion in Active Funds are really just blindly following the S&P500, in a dubious practice called "Closet Indexing". [1] Basically you pretend to be an Active Fund Manager, but just construct a portfolio based on the SP&500 and collect a big management fee. It's the copypaste-from-wikipedia homework of the hedge fund manager world. Def can't go tits up.
So that's the Mass.
It's a whole of lot of money blindly buying up a stock, sending it higher and higher, luring in more and more speculation, despite the fact that the present day business fundamentals absolutely do not correspond. At this point, the bull narrative for Tesla has been whittled down to full reliance on "distant futures" and the cult following of Elon Musk.
I'm not an astrophysicist, but with the Gravity of Retail Driven Delta-Hedge and the Mass of Passive Fund Inclusion, there's a chance that even a small shift in public opinion will trigger cascading downward prices, as the Market Makers reverse and the planetary mass of Passive Inclusion Funds (and all their copycats) desperately rebalance and sell off.
But what do I know, I just eat crayons.

III. The Playing Field.

You might ask yourself--Why would so many Money Managers rely on Passive Indexing, copypasta, or reddit sentiment to do their jobs? Simply put: Because they live on yachts, and think they're too special to interface with the real world. These people have no way of knowing what is actually going on in the lives of everyday people, what we like, what we need, and how we assign value.
Remember: the underlying isn't the Stock Price. The underlying is the business. The actual real world operations associated with the Ticker, how they affect people's lives, and how we the people feel about that. In 2021, Retail will teach everyone this lesson, and many will be butthurt.

Tech Cycle Rolls Over. Courtesy of Trader_ferg, read the tweet.
On a way zoomed out macro level, this all makes sense, and is squarely aligned with the Central Banks mandate to undertake new social & economic reform. Part of this reset is the technological reality that accessible Retail Options trading is a far more granular method of capturing sentiment and valuation. With share trading, all a User can do is "Buy" or "Sell". Not much info for the AI to feed off of. On the other hand, with options, a user can provide a nuanced input about their projected Value and Future Timing of the Business. It's like Photo vs. Video. 4D Chess. A lot more data. All it needs is to be wired together and get a few more big Pumps of The Juice--not to make 'all stonks go up forever', but simply to facilitate the transactional throughput of higher order computing.
This is good: A massive Hive Mind of independent rational agents, feeding the blossoming AI with rich realtime votes on the value and future prospects of a Company. The AI needs this. It does not need a handful of overpaid money-managers who have never peeled a banana to sit on their yachts and pick tickers out of hat, or sleep at the wheel while an intern copies the trades of a 40-year-old indexing algorithm. There's too much risk of mis-pricing the underlying, and too many inefficient middlemen. With our help, the Hive Mind can do it better and cheaper, and the Real Big Boys know that. As the old adage goes, together Apes Strong. 🦍🦍🦍
Data from Options trading is just the beginning. Soon enough, stakeholders from across the world will seamlessly participate in realtime corporate governance, valuation, and ownership of the companies that touch their lives. The World Economic Forum call this the Shareholder Economy.
But that's future talk. Q3 2022. Let's stick to the present situation.

IV. The Trade.

I'll keep this part simple. If you're holding $TSLA, start selling the top. What the actual fuck are shares, anyway. If you're new or looking for a YOLO, Puts on TSLA, all year long.
Exact timing? Sooner than you think, maybe Tuesday.Pick your own risk/reward. Don't get freaky behind Wendy's or pawn off your girlfriend's cat.
690 is not a meme. 420 is probably not a meme. 42 is a meme.
And If you believe in the resonant effects of Mass and Gravity: Puts on SPY down to 369. NASDAQ-100 Puts to 10420.
Paper handed bitches too emo to go short: Buy some Steel, limited edition Air Jordans, or a '99 Cherokee straight 6. Collectibles will print for the next decade.
And if you're here bc you really dgaf and just want to Send A Message, throw puts on all the bois that keep ruining society: FB, Google, Twitter, Amazon, etc. Get creative. Trust your gut. If they don't print, at least you die a hero.
Remember, we don't have money, but we're the ones in charge. It's a spiritual choice. Boom. And guess what else, Dennis? We're not "afraid of a market crash" any more than we're afraid of getting shot at in Fortnite. A game's a game. We're already poor, unemployed, stuck at home in your dysfunctional system, eating shitty cold food from DoorDash. (Another excellent short, btw.)
But Wall Street did teach us one thing: you don't need to lose money, as long as you're on the right side of the trade. We see you. And we're capable of sitting back, crackin' a cold one, and surfing this wave all the way down the mountain. We are rising to the occasion, and putting ourselves on the right side of the trade.
If that was all too complicated, just call it the Reverse Moon. All Stonks go up, therefore All stonks go down. Now it's time for Stonks Go Down, so hop on board and don't worry. This Truck is Fully Powered By Gravity--the cleanest energy--the code is live in the matrix, uploading to your braincells as we speak. 100% self-driving, always have been. Turn off the iPhone and go hug your Mom. In the 5th Dimension, we're already Trillionaires.

V. The Risks

Timing. As far as I can tell, the biggest risk here is timing and scale. The TSLA fundamentals check out: bona fide crap. Price is the only thing that made it to Mars. Market conditions are primed for a steep reversal, It might have even started last week. Product quality is weak, but I can't confirm since I've only seen their cars on Youtube. Big Boys like Ford are coming to bat. Tech multiple is a ponzi.
But we still have no way of knowing how long elevated prices in the sector can last. Usually these things are drawn out like a drugged out bender, until they roll over and quickly collapse. Unfortunately, there are alot of rich fallguys like Chamath and Cathie Wood trying to distract you with Shiny Objects while they show their even richer Masters to the door.
I say fuck it, let's pre-empt, call out the bullshit and get our asses on the right side of this trade before it's too late. I don't want to be the last guy at the party strung out on the couch. I bet you don't either.
But what about the other failed shorts? Yep, lots of hedge fund managers have bled themselves dry trying to go short $TSLA. They neglected to realize the importance of The Vibe, and were generally short TSLA because they didn't believe in the core business or EVs or rocketships or some other arcane boomer technical thing. This time its different. Retail has already cashed the $TSLA stimmy check. Twitter is pwned. We see the smart money moving away, and can call it like we see it. We have learned how the market works, and we've adapted. $GME might not have made us all rich with money, but it made some of us just rich enough to spark confidence in the rest. We can spot the right moves, call them out, and participate in our financial system and economy. Who woulda thought.
But what about More Fed Stimmy? Silly boomer, Fed Stimmy was never about shifting to a paradigm where all stonks go up. It was about a macro return to shareholder economics, an embrace of price volatility, and the necessary technical upgrades to facilitate Big Data sentiment capture from the retail Hive Mind. Didn't you read Larry Fink's 2021 Letter to CEOs? Central Banks have played these games before, Take a look at Japan, or read about the Carry. Weird shit happens. But guess what, Bankers? In reality, you're the subs. I said it before, this is the 5th Dimension. We're gucci; you work for us. Enjoy the yacht and stay out of our treehouse. We don't have all your money, but we have our communities, our friends, our families, and our glorious lossporn. Freedoms so wild you literally could never imagine. Maybe that's why you locked us down, so our lives would suck as much as yours. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
But what about The Future? Get those crayons out of your mouth. Human civilization is not one pre-order deposit away from a Techno-Paradise-Utopia. The Tesla Roadster took $250k deposits 3 years ago and has still delivered nothing. With $250k in 2018, you could've bought 50BTC and sold 'em to Musk for $2.3M last week. You got played, 'Frisco. Sorry not sorry.
The market is about main street, schools, small businesses, food, and homes. Root canals and babysitters. It's about real fucking people, none of whom will ever be rich enough to upload our brains to a network of satellites floating around Mars. Most of us, even the ones who made money with your dumb 2020 stonks, have had a pretty rough year. The future is wonderful, but there's also this little thing called the Present. And it's proving to be of vital importance.
But what about Internet Fame? No one can sustain infinite economic growth by going on Joe Rogan Podcast or shooting off cryptic 3 word tweets. Most of the engagement on elonmusk twitter is spam. The rest is Cringe. Go Check. On top of that, we all know that Twitter is compromised, that Mark Zuckerberg still has no real friends, and that web2 ad-tech social media is a garbage business model that ends up building worthless propaganda machines and echo chambers. I'd rather chill w my cat and horde Uranium. Whoops.
Unexpected Interventions? As we know, the Powers At Be have a lot of levers to pull. Tesla has been propped up by sweetheart government deals and tax credits. In fact that's the only reason they make any money to begin with. Go read about it.
So there's that: the government might do anything. There might be a new crisis and the gov might forces us to close all our bank accounts, wear chicken costumes, and dance in circles. Government intervention is a wild card. But weirdly enough, I think the Big Banks are on our side, ish. They def need to pwn all our trading data, harness our collective brainpower to go full AI, then cut out the previous generation of complacent middle-market fund managers. So who knows. This is all speculation. I don't work for the CIA. We do know that Michael Burry is short. And sequels sell.
China? Had to throw it in there, bc Biden might be pwned by the CCP and we might already be living in a Chinese colony. If that's true, I got no problem. China is cool, I love China, great culture, great people, the food, all of it. And they'll probably fix our roads! Xie xie! :D
But with respect to $TSLA price action and The Trade, the China Factor could work for or against us. I have no idea what China wants from me. Pelosi did buy some $TSLA Leaps, but that might've been a PsyOp. She's got hella deepfake vibes. Again, No idea. Consult your tea leaves.
But who's going to lose? Who will be the bagholders? As you've probably learned, every trade has a winner and loser. Such is life. There will always be bagholders. All I can say is that this time around, it doesn't need to be us.
If it all plays out according to my Tarot Cards, the Bankers will do what they've done best for centuries, and losses will be socialized across all the boomers with $ in passive index funds. People thought it was safe, but neglected to realize that the lazy overpaid fund managers didn't update their models since 1985. Instead, they let a hyped up trojan horse distort their portfolios and stretch the connection between SPY and the Real World, while in the background a tech-enabled Options market became the new Hive Mind of retail sentiment.
The Bagholders will be everyone who was comfortable and complacent enough to actually believe that if you dump all your assets in a passive index fund then durpa durp all stonks go up.Newsflash: It was a meme. We were kidding.

Now don't get me wrong: Elon Musk is still weird and cool and none of this is a knock on him at all. He is undoubtedly a genius, and probably embraced these ideas years ago. He's told us many times: the future is re-usable rocketships. Up and Down. Up and Down. Volatility. In the long term, Tesla will succeed and fulfill its mission, and the influence of Musk and his companies will go down in history.
But Markets are markets. Trader_ferg says it best:
Multiple contraction overrides perfect mgmt execution. Your views can prove correct, Yet you get killed. Take Cisco in 2000. If you'd invested based on it: -Becoming a mainstay of the internet -Growing revenue strongly for next decade
You'd have been right. Yet still lost >80%.
Remember. Do not get emotional here, this is fundamental trading. Puts on $TSLA won't hurt baby X Æ A-XII. I know you might be a fanboy. It's ok, we forgive you.
The move is technical, and the point is simple: infinite money isn't a thing. All stonks go down. The markets are fragile; Retail Option Traders are in charge. $TSLA is overbought by a delta squeeze & huge passive fund inclusion. And at this precise moment we're rolling, Because we control the narrative.

VI. Endgame. Power to the Players.

So where does this all lead us? What happens to a world where the market is truly just a video game, fed by a mass of independent individuals riding a play up or down, talking strategy, making friends, and having fun? What happens is simple: markets function better, society is improved, and there is Way More Chill™. One day the social hive mind will cut out the Chamaths and Dorseys of the world and autonomously perform market functions: valuing companies and steering corporate governance in a realtime, decentralized, transparent way. There will still be Shadow Kings, but we might stop stressing about Booms and Busts, horribly opaque corporate governance, and endless media-Induced panics. We just want to play. The system might be smart, but we can always move first.
Anyway, started trading last week, so take this with a spoon of salt. Def not financial advice, but if you've read this far, you know that. Full Disclosure: I drive an '87 Chevy 4x4 and it rips. Only simps buy a Tesla.

Sincerely yours,

what up

Appendix. Notes, Edits, and Responses:

submitted by 0xpectation to thecorporation [link] [comments]

How I went from a 6 to a 9 + lots of looks theory + original tips

This were the biggies for me. I have a lot of other mini tips/tricks/product recs too specific for this...if you guys like my approach or have any other questions lmk and I'll make posts of them.


Problems: jet black, dull, dry, curly, frizzy, very fine but a whole lot of it
Woah. This is a biggy. First off, health. Olaplex treatments made a big difference, and so did leave in creams. They made my curls defined and hydrated. A gentle detangler is a must: Tangler Teezer and Manta are both great. My two favorites are the Briogeo Curl Cream and the M Organics Annatto Oil. My method is to wash my hair (only the scalp) put in the leave in cream, comb my hair thoroughly, twist it into a secure low bun with spin pins, and let it dry that way. The result? Hair that's shiny and straight on top and gentle ringlets on the bottom.
I only wash my hair once a week, and the issue was that while it looked great after washing, it got horribly matted and frizzy when I slept - the curl pattern got ruined. The solution was to wrap my hair up in a silk turban when I slept - this was a GAME CHANGER. It was surprisingly hard finding a good large high quality silk scarf: I used this. I tie it in a loose turban (had to invent my own turban wrap style) and I put a Shhhowercap on top because I toss and turn a LOT when I sleep. This combo was a winner for me...perfectly secure but not tight, and my hair is perfectly preserved to the point that my hairstyling time in the morning is zero.
I also do regular scalp massages with oil to keep my scalp flake free and well nourished - I make my own DIY oil concotion from grapeseed oil with tea tree, geranium, rosemary, and lemongrass essential oils - smells like heaven and so good for hair.
So the above made my hair's texture and health perfect. But my hair still looked like just a dark mass. The curl pattern barely showed at all, and that was because my hair was just so dark and dull that it absorbed all the light rather than reflecting it. The cool tone was also really not nice because I'm a very very very warm toned person - my skin and haieyebrows always subtly clashed. I found a way to get my hands on salon quality bleaching products and lightened my hair at home to a warm dark blonde with subtle highlights and lowlights. I have some artistic talent and a sort of knack for these things; most people really should let a professional take care of it. My curls pop like crazy now and my hair and my skin suit each other so well that I look like I have a perpetual insta filter on. I get continuous compliments on hair which I never used to before. Lighter hair and eyebrows also suited my contrast and made my soft features look sharper whereas my ultra dark hair really washed them out - see my earlier post on contrast.
After shitty hair my whole life, I finally truly do have great hair and I am very proud.


Problems: horrible, unrelenting cystic acne. Tried a lot of shit. Accutane was the answer. My skin has stayed clear since thanks to a top notch skincare routine that focuses on ingredients rather than brands: think urea, niacinamide, good fats, tretinoin, vitamin c. I only have one "magic in a bottle" product, and that's biologique recherche's P50. the price is really steep, but I decant it into a glass spray bottle and use just 1-2 sprays a day. A single bottle lasts me a year, and that makes it affordable for me. Beef liver supplements are important - low vitamin A can really screw your skin- Vital proteins is a great brand. I have not had even a microzit since I started to supplement beef liver, and it's been over six months. To learn about skincare, Home ( is an amazing and informative blog. Also love Dr. Dray and Lab Muffin Beauty and Gothamista for those preferring a Youtube format.
Having noncomedogenic makeup is also very important. Noncomodegonic makeup is actually very hard to find - had to junk some beloved Glossier Cloud paint blushes because they contain Red 30 Lake which is a very irritating ingredient. If you guys are interested in my master list of high performance and skin safe makeup and skincare, lmk.

Bucktooth Situation

DISCLAIMER: only do this if you aren’t an idiot - see the teenagers taking this to extreme levels as a TikTok challenge. YOUR TEETH WILL NOT GROW BACK.
Ages ago I was looking into cheap long term solutions for my rabbit-tooth issue. I looked into a procedure called tooth sculpting, where dentists literally file away at your teeth to fix minor cosmetic issues. None of the dental clinics were very clear as to exactly how they did this - except one. They use very very fine sandpaper attached to a sort of drill-like thing, and also EMERY BOARD (!!)
Well, I thought, like the nifty little DIY-er I am, I can find emery boards myself! So I nipped down to a drugstore, bought a big pack of cheap emery nail files, sat in front of a mirror, and started to file away at the bottom of my front two teeth. I had to replace the emery board often. In about half an hour, I had perfected my teeth. The actual filing bit felt very weird, but it didn’t hurt. It’s been over a year, and my teeth are far prettier and perfectly fine. No increased sensitivity, nothing. All for three dollars!
Some obvious tips for dummies: If you feel anything approaching pain or discomfort, STOP. You only want to remove EXCESS enamel. Excess enamel is only at the bottom of your tooth, not the sides or front. Do not file anywhere else except the bottom cutting edge.

Dark undereye circles

Embraced them. I use a VERY subtle and sheer color corrector on really bad days: The Armani Color corrector in peach (just looks like an invisible but effective concealer on me) but I make no effort to cover them up. I find I look dumber and very generic if I try. Instead, eyeliner makes my eyes pop and makes my undereye circles less dark by comparison (contrast theory comes to the rescue!)

Bad wardrobe

...disguised as West Coast laid back style. I learned about Kibbe Body Types and invested in quality over quantity. Embraced a more feminine/dark academia style, with truly comfortable clothing like loose fit menswear-inspired trousers, belts, flowy light button downs, vests, bodysuits, turtlenecks, rompers, trench coats, and comfortable heels/boots. My favorite brands are Uniqlo, aritzia, lilysilk, mango, storets. Built a wardrobe along a harmonious color palette and silhouette so all your tops and bottoms go together. Makes getting dressed literally effortless.
Understood the concept of contrast (I made a previous post on this).


I find most color theories sort of suck. Once you understand and apply the principles of contrast, color really just boils down to this: Red, Yellow, and Blue. All colors are made a combination of these three. red and yellow dominant colors are sort of lumped together as the "Warm" colors and blue toned colors are the "cool" colors, but that's stupid when it comes to dressing yourself. I am straight up yellow toned, with next to no red and no blue. Thanks to the "warm vs cool" concept, I figured reds were a safe bet. it took me ages to realize that red tones don't work for me unless I'm wearing lots of red-toned makeup like blush and lipstick. My new rule is any low contrast color with a strong yellow base (browns, rusts, cinnabars, creams, warm grays, some sagey greens, charcoals) are always wins and will look great even if I'm wearing no makeup that day. Those colors make me glow instead of washing me out. Gray is not yellow-dominant but it suits everyone regardless of skin tone.
The big benefit of the contrast-RYB model is that restricting all your clothing to your contrast and dominant primary color ENSURES everything goes together and makes shopping much simpler. If anyone is interested in a more elaborate post on this lmk.

Chronically flaky lips

Lip balms with urea in them are magic and work like nothing else does, including korean products, all natural products, expensive products, ANYTHING. I use Flexitol's lip balm. Urea is a magic skincare ingredient and makes hyaluronic acid look like a little b****.

Body hair

Epilator(braun is the best) + electrolysis for hair removal, but THIS is what REALLY eliminated my ingrowns: I use body scraping to clean myself in the shower. It removes dead skin and gunk and moisturizes like NOTHING does, and I used to be a "scrub myself every day with Salux" kinda person. It's simple: buy a scraper (like the kind they use to bake), wet your skin, lather yourself in grapeseed/olive/coconut/any grocery store oil, and literally scrape the oil off. Everything, and I mean everything, will come off with it like magic, leaving a very very thin layer of oil to keep you perfectly moisturized and clean. You will be shocked at how much comes off. Do not use soap after. I like to include antibacterial and sweet smelling essential oils like tea tree, geranium, and lemongrass. That way, the remaining thin layer of oil on my skin actively fights bacteria and smells floral. I have a glass pump bottle with the oil blend in my bathroom. The ancient Romans and Greeks cleaned themselves this way, which is where I got the idea, and scientific research backs up the fact that it works way better than soap. I smell sweet as a peach everywhere even if I haven't showered in five days (I'm not shitting you, my SO has confirmed this). I have a reputation for "smelling nice" and abandoning soap has not changed that lol. Can't promise 5 days for everyone though because I don't really sweat much and that definitely played a role.
Forgot to mention that my KP has basically disappeared since I started this, most likely because my skin is moisturized like it never has been before.


There are three main aspects of your hairline that you can change: widow's peak, sidewisps, and hairline density. Sidewisps are the little wispy hairs that grow in front of your ears - a term I’ve coined because if you have what men call sideburns, it’s 100% too much, no debate.
A pro Korean makeup artist trick is to fill in sparse edges on the hairline with eyeshadow powder. Use as dark a shade as looks realistic; this really gives your hair the appearance of lushness, density, and lift.
One of the biggest improvements I made to my face was removing my widows peak. I just used tweezers and tweezed all the hair off. Studies show a peaky V is actually the most masculine hairline there is; the most feminine is a very softly rounding hairline (like a gentle upside down U). My widows peak was masculinizing my face while making my forehead look much smaller than it actually was. Small foreheads are not always a good thing, by the way; analysis has shown that one of the most attractive things in a woman’s face is high levels of neoteny, especially in the mid face. Larger foreheads are attractive in women, and in fact most models actually have a forehead that’s slightly MORE than 1/3 of their face.
Sidewisps are very interesting. A lot of people say sidewisps (light wispy hair in front of the ears) are very attractive and feminine, but I’ve noticed most celebs have them removed completely, to the points where they have no hair past the start of the ear. I think I’ve figured it out. Almost all models and actresses have camera-friendly features (very angular defined face, large cheekbones, long ramus, prominent and defined jaw, jutting chin.)
Sidewisps minimize/negate all those features. They make the ramus look shorter (create the illusion of less forward growth) and cover up the most sculpt-y part of sculpted cheeks. In summary, removing the sidewisps creates a more strong, sculpted look for your outer face. My forward growth isn’t as good as I’d like it to be and I have very broad and sharp cheekbones, so removing my sidewisps simultaneously remedied a flaw and brought out the best in my face.
Keeping in the sidewisps is a much more feminine, soft, childlike look. This is the move if 1) your forward growth is already good and you can afford to lose a little ramus length 2) you have a soft and delicate cheek and jaw area (think the ideal facial silhouette in Asia)


I have nice eyes, and I like to emphasize them, I find mascara is the biggest "I'm wearing makeup" giveaway and I have never met one that doesn't flake or clump by the end of the day. I like using softly smudged pencil eyeliners in brown and black. The Marc Jacobs Highliners are truly budge proof from my experience and well worth the cost IMO.

Hourglass body shape

I find that having big breasts (I'm a 30DDD) is a huge ass challenge. The biggest problem is finding the right bra to keep them secure. I learned a lot from doing some proper research on the topic, and this is what I've learned; buy seamed, wired bras, preferably with a sling and side boning. Good quality seamed bras make a huge difference, and bras that are meant to convertible to strapless provide the best support. I like Curvy Kate and the Dita Von Teese lingerie line. Her Room is a good bra retailer, with good quality brands and filters for the features you want.


I use the dermatologist-recommended trick of taking a bath with one cup of household bleach in the water and soaking for twenty minutes or so. The tub smells exactly like a swimming pool but doesn't burn or irritate or fade skin. It's just a powerfully antibacterial and soothing soak. Also recommended for psoriasis and eczema.

Handling your periods gracefully

Menstrual cup + period underwear from Thinxx to catch any drips or leaks. Never need another pad or tampon, good for the planet, and, once you master the menstrual cup, no smell either. I can always tell when women are using pads because the smell is truly horrendous any time you get within two feet of their nether regions. No matter how often you change them, the smell is there as soon as a pad does its job and collects blood. Also, if you put your bare foot in cow shit, would you just use a paper towel to wipe it off? No. Buy a bidet or hose. They aren't expensive, you can install them yourself, and man the one thing I find insanely gross about the west is that they use paper towels and not WATER. It's 1000x more hygeinic.

Anxious/bored eating + cooking

Intermittent fasting plus practicing mindfulness. Intermittent fasting lets me take a "break" from food and makes me very self-aware of times when I'm use it as an emotional crutch. I also say a benediction before I put anything in my mouth and you'd be surprised what a difference it makes: "This food is the gift of the earth, the sky, and much hard work. May I live in a way that makes me worthy to receive it: conquering greed, restlessness, impatience, anger, and laziness. May I eat slowly and mindfully, for nourishment, not pleasure, for no pleasure is equal to that of a meditative life."
I also cook at home and eat a no sugar, protein rich, vegetable heavy, probiotic heavy diet. A carbon steel saute pan, an Instant Pot, and a really good blender are all you need to make basically everything under the sun. My diet consists of beans, nuts, lentils, probiotic foods like yogurt, aged cheese, natto, and fermented rice, lots of spices, eggs, vegetables, and fruit. I use nutritional yeast to get my B vitamins. I actively cook in bulk about three times a week and store food in these huge gallon mason jars. Right after I go grocery shopping, I spend about an hour chopping/prepping all veggies and storing them in Ziplocs in the freezer. I'm lazy and chopping vegetables is VERY time consuming, so having prechopped veggies makes cooking regularly far easier for me. My guilty pleasures are mochi ice cream and neopolitan pizza. Learning to cook is a life skill - people who can't cook and don't make it a priority to learn key piss me off. Don't get me started on men who brag about never entering their kitchens...Eating out is a huge waste of money and is horribly unhealthy. Even trendy "healthy" places use a shitton of fat, salt, and sweetener in everything. This is a huge part of lifestylemaxxing, and since I'm VERY lazy it was really hard for me to get into a pattern of cooking regularly instead of caving and ordering in half the time. Meal prep, freezing vegetables, and cooking ahead have all helped tons, but it took me a long time to get into a routine that worked, so it's never too early to start. I feel a lot better than I used to when I was a takeout fiend. It's difficult cooking for yourself as a busy professional in a small apartment and I think I've perfected my kitchen appliance collection/layout/organization so if you're struggling with it please ask!
submitted by a_ven002 to vindictapoc [link] [comments]

How I passed my CISSP in 2021.

The exam was more difficult because of wording than any practice software. What amazes me about the exam is you can know the material and not pass. This may be true for anything, but is especially true about this exam because of the way it's worded .
  1. "Think like a manager?" While this is true, I had at least 50 questions on the exam where NOT thinking like a manager was necessary. Clearly ISC(2) are reading these forums and watching youtube videos ,attempting to improve the exam likely monthly. So, "think like a manager" is often true, but there were several times where the questions required absolute technical knowledge and most importantly "beak/fix" solutions. at least 25 that I recall. I searched for "think like a manager" answers and they simply were not there for those questions. All 4 choices were technical.
Conclusion: "Think like a LAWYER with a technical background" is FAR more appropriate advice. Larry Greenblatt stated this in so many words and he was right. You must think like a lawyer more often than manager and yes, there were absolutely questions where FIXING THE PROBLEM was the correct answer. How do I know this? Because again, the 4 choices were technical in nature/NOT managerial.
2) you have to read the questions and answers twice in most cases, but not all. I cannot tell you how many times I had the right answer the first time, only to change it, then ponder, then change it back. There are in fact 10 straight-forward questions on the exam and these should be answered without thought. I cannot cite examples specifically, but there were at least 5-10 questions that were quite straight forward.
3) my exam had zero math (ALE etc), but I had to know the ALE/SLE/ARO formulas, meanings because these were choices to answer real world scenario problems. No calculations for me were required. They provide a white board and sharpie. I did not use it. The terminal has an electronic calculator as well. I did not use it.
4) I wore ear muffs. I believe this saved me. The testing site provided lawn mower ear protection. I did not know this, but immediately put them on and I feel this saved me for concentrating. do NOT underestimate the level of concentration you will need. There was in fact noise in the room a few times even WITH the hearing protection. That caught me off-guard because the test center emphasized quiet, but I heard people talking several times. Plus, there was construction in the adjacent suite, which was incredible to me. I heard drills etc. while in the waiting area. I am questioning in my mind, "would I have passed this exam without the ear protection?" I am not sure. The isolation made me completely focus on the exam. I could hear my heart beating/racing as well.
5) You can laugh, but practice your questions at home wearing a mask for COVID-19. Years from now, one might read this and laugh. My reading glasses fogged up and the mask got annoying after an hour, trust me. Get used to sitting wearing a mask if you're not already wearing it for your daily work.
6) Sleep the night before. I did not. I was wide awake at midnight, 2 am, 3 am, and finally just gave in and read practice questions. I arrived at the test center absolutely horrified, half asleep, and drinking cold coffee in my vehicle outside. What saved me was listening to Greenblatt's Exam Tips video. I also had watched Cybrary's video on "Think like a manager." You need to think like a lawyer. or a CTO. Not a manager in my opinion. If you happen to report to a CTO, then I guess you can think like YOUR manager.
7) Schedule a test date. Without that, you will NOT have the motivation to study likely. A deadline is absolutely vital to learning the material. Common sense I know.
8) I studied 2-4 hours on weeknights for several months, and SAT and SUN for 6-10 hours for 6 weeks before the exam.
9) What did I study?
--Boson practice questions over and over, but guess what? I read every answer and challenged myself to say why the incorrect answers were incorrect 1x1. So, doing 50 questions often took me 4 hours. Boson's explanations were like reading a study guide, for me. Boson won't work on a mobile device. I wish they would introduce a mobile app! Whomever writes the Boson material did an excellent job. FYI I was told Kaplan is similar, but do not know.
Boson is absolutely amazing because you can tailor your own quiz and plug in a keyword. That was AMAZINGLY helpful to me. I plugged in "Annual Loss" and its engine brought up every question/answer containing ALE questions, some of which were challenging. "Biba" "SOC" "SDLC" etc, etc, etc.. when you get 10-50 questions in a row for the same subject matter, you learn the material. I cannot emphasize enough how this helped me. I did all the questions at least once, but focused more on the answer explanations which are amazingly written. Each answer is explained as to what it is, why it's correct/incorrect and it's brilliantly written. I was scoring 75-85 on all BOSON scores, but did not care. Boson drills deeply, but it shines when it explains answers. I also would ask, "when would this incorrect answer be correct????" and in my mind created new questions tailored against the other answers. This took hours but was worthwhile.
--ISC Pocket prep for mobile--CISSP exam module. I cannot say enough positive things about this app. It's VASTLY under estimated in its importance. Whether in bathroom, coffee shops, or in bed, I did question after question after question. Sometimes, new questions would magically appear as well. I flagged ones that were challenging and that helped. I took "flagged/missed" questions nightly, then added 20-30 more from the entire pool. These questions helped me learn the material and ingrain the integrity models, etc. I do not know why more people don't talk about the pocket prep. I did all 800 questions but again, new questions appeared from time to time. at least twice I did all 800 repeatedly over time until I had things memorized. They claim you should not memorize things for CISSP, but you HAVE to memorize much of the material. Same thing as Boson--I created mental questions against which the incorrect answers at hand would be correct for my new question. Many people are critical of this app, claiming it is not in-depth enough. This may be true, but there is no single study tool that covers all CISSP questions.
--11th Hour. I read it. I did the questions in it, 5 per chapter. This gave a great overview at a high level and is very well written, despite some typos (it happens).
--I tried to read the study guide from Sybex 8th Edition and just could not concentrate. I read the Boson and Pocket prep answer explanations instead.
--I registered my printed copy of Sybex Eighth Edition Practice Questions online and did all the practice questions in quantities of 20. When I'd accumulate 20 questions that I answered incorrectly, I made that a test in and of itself. I took all those questions collectively at least twice. 1,300 questions. One time I did 150 questions, seriously, and the site logged me out(!) and that was at question #143! So, that's why I was more careful and took 20-40 questions at a time thereafter. Imagine losing your score after 143 questions--I was frustrated!!
--I watched every YouTube video I could find. The ones that stood out where Mind Map, which does not get enough credit. This links the material together well. Larry Greenblatt's videos on exam verbiage helped a lot. Kelly from Cybrary was amazing. The IT Dojo videos actually diminished my confidence because they were at times far too technical. The guy on there is amazing and brilliant, but I stopped watch those videos because I told myself I did not have time to get into the weeds at his his level. He's brilliant. so, MindMap, Greenblatt, Kelly from cybrary. Another guy did a video on what to wear, bring, and the training center logistics. That was helpful.
--I signed up/joined Luke Ahmed's Facebook page and looking at people's questions helped me. Joining their conversations helped. I even asked a few questions myself about FRFAR and so on. it was great to bounce off ideas and questions with fellow study people. I bought Luke's book as a favor because I felt bad using his free Facebook site. His book actually helped, but only contains 25 questions. I read it through once and it helped--it's very cheap and short.
Comparitech's summary cheat sheets helped too. I pulled those up 1x1 the night before the exam. Great overview! Google this and you will find their summary PDF sheets. They are more clear than Sunflower, at least for me.
10) Wear something comfortable. You cannot bring any watches, jewelry, keys, not even a handkerchief into the test area. They check your pockets, socks, coin pockets, hair etc.. they looked over my glasses and I sanitized my hands at least 30 times while there at their request.
I brought a passport and driver license. You have a vascular scan (palm vein scan) 3x per hand out front, then they check it again in back, hand sanitizer between each scan! Obviously this varies by region. I am being told there will likely be remote-from-home testing allowed soon. I think for me that would be too distracting.
When you take the test, you have two things with you beside the clothes on your back. Your driver license and your locker key. Place those on the desk to your left or right and forget about them during the test.
The room was warm, for me. I wore a short sleeve shirt, jeans, socks, tennis shoes. Yes, they checked my ankles and made me frisk myself. That was fine by me.
11) do not panic during the test. I did. Once I hit question 80 and realized I had maybe an hour remaining, I panicked. I told myself "you've got this. you did not study all this time to let this go down the drain." I got angry. I motivated myself to say, "don't let them get the best of you." if getting mad motivates you, then get mad. Whatever it takes, within reason, do it. whether it is a superstition or whatever the case is, do it. akin to a hockey player that has a ritual before a game. Do it. Get mad, get motivated. I asked for strength, admitting how petty I was being when people are starving.
when I hit question 101, I panicked again.. "oh crap, I did not pass the exam at 100 questions. What did I get wrong? How long is this going to be???????"
I kept going. I had the same thought at 130, 135 ,136, 140, by 149 I was absolutely panicked beyond belief. At 150, with 1.5 minutes remaining, I submitted my final answer. At that point I was shattered. I acknowledged the test was done and clicked a button formally closing the test electronically. "How am I going to face my boss.. what do I tell my spouse?? the schedule for exams is so booked now............. it's going to take months to reschedule my 2nd attempt and I have to keep studying!!!!??? what am I going to do??" ( I had, several times, tired to make adjust my CISSP test date to an EARLIER date, and saw dates were not available for months and months--I was fortunate to have even gotten the date I did because of center limited capacity--Covid-19).
I was firmly convinced because I hit #150 that I 'd not passed the exam. FIRMLY. I told the test center lady, "there's no way I passed this one. I hit question 150..." her reply was, "not necessarily true, there are people that ALWAYS get 150 no matter what. please go to the lobby and get your belongings from the locker." I did just that. I went to the locker.
FYI you do not get your test results until you walk out, get your stuff from the locker, then go back to the desk out front. In the lobby I mean--this is the same with COMPTIA tests etc. The lady, out front, not the lady from the testing area, gave me a sheet face down. I slowly took it and was nervous. I turned it over and first saw the word, "congratulations...." I did a double take. I then even put on my glasses to actually read it and make sure it was correct--"Can this be right?" I asked her, "is this real? it's my picture.. " I knew I had completed many questions knowingly, but there were so many others where I simply picked 1 of the 3-4 "best" correct answers.
She laughed and said, "yes, that is you, you passed."
I teared up. Adrenaline. All that studying.. all that anger during the test, the panic, the questions where I was not all sure I had a clue.. all morphed into a single moment. I told her I could hug her. She got up to hug me, no joke. it was a profound moment in my life to pass this exam. I thought because I had "all 150" questions I did not pass.
Everyone at my work bragged about passing at question 105, 100, 110.. their exam ended at those quantities of questions. This lobby lady again explained what the other person had, that there are many people that get ALL 150. I do not know why I got 150. What matters is I passed. so, do NOT listen to people touting the exam ending "early." You cannot be concerned with this potential or variable. It really caused me a lot of anxiety and it was pointless (my fault admittedly).
There were numerous questions where I was partially certain I had the right answer. And others where I knew I was correct, but those were 20 or less questions. I am not trying to scare anyone. I am saying what people say is true: some questions have 2-4 "correct" answers. You must choose the best one, or perhaps an answer that comprises the other correct choices. It's common sense in some cases, but not others. "Is this one of those 25 that don't count?" etc. I'd ask. 25 exam questions do NOT count against your score and I presume all 25 are in the 1-100 question range. These are valid questions being tested for future exam inclusion, I am told (again, they don't count against your score but you won't know which these are).
12) There were several questions where I had the right answer in my mind but the selection was not available on the test. This means they (ISC) substituted common CISSP terminology for "street terminology." I chose the street term which was most like the CISSP term (and still wasn't sure). This happened at least 5-10 times out of 150 questions. an example of this might be "...make sure a user value is valid.." "What do they mean by this," I asked? who is the user? a Customer? What value are they inputting... ahah!!! I just said the word, "input!!" INPUT. I know what they are asking, now. I chose the answer that was most like "input validation." I am making this as an example. I cannot even recall specifics, but it happened.
13) the exam is unlike any practice questions. I am not kidding. There were times I read a question 4x and I could not understand exactly what was being asked. I re wrote those questions in my mind and sifted out the unnecessary items in my mind. That helped. Other times, I had to look at the answer selections to ascertain what was being asked. None of the practice questions are like this, not even Boson--yet the questions are still often "high level" in nature. Many times 3 answers were correct. Sometimes, all 4 were correct. "most right," "least likely" etc. I think there were a few questions that asked "which is not the least likely to..." Re word those phrases into "Which IS MOST LIKELY to....." common sense, but in the middle an exam, it can be tough to talk like this silently. Talk the questions through in your head. Remove "that" and other unnecessary words. When the test reads, "A person in charge of" mentally say "manager," and so on. Substitute words in your mind to which you can relate, aloud within your head. I feel the practice questions train your mind to rewrite questions quietly, mentally.
14) the exam is a test of endurance, street smarts, and while you must know the material well, I feel you must be able to adapt to the exam's terminology. I get the impressions doctors and lawyers write this exam--NOT managers (I am told it's actually CISSP-endorsed members that write the questions, but we'll never fully know). perhaps Compliance writers construct the exam, but I actually got a medical vibe from the exam in terms of how scenarios were presented. You cannot worry about this beforehand. You simply have to be somewhat solid in the technical material in order to adapt that knowledge to the exam questions at hand.
This is the brilliance of this exam. It would not be worthwhile were it easy. Remember this. Plus knowledge is the reward. I said this numerous times as I panicked before/during the exam--"knowledge is the reward."
15) this exam will ensure you relate technical items to non-technical people and vice versa. This point goes largely unnoticed and unreported. it's the real purpose of the exam, to me. They know you've studied. Now, they want to know if YOU can relate the material not only to the "best" answer, but to perhaps executive management at a company. Can you decode information to get the real story? Can you present these concepts to multiple audiences and be relatable? That's why the exam exists, to me, besides learning the material.
I wish everyone well that read through my long post. I cannot emphasize enough how you can be your own worst enemy mentally, or I can, and there were several times during the exam where I was overcome with emotion and just fretting. It did not help me to be like that. At one point, I thought I was going to pass out, not kidding. This takes a physical toll while you're seated. It's needless.
Just remember no one dies. You're not a doctor performing a medical procedure. You can take the exam again, but why would you want to do such a thing? Let that be your motivation during the exam to patiently read the questions over and over. I read every question twice, and most answers twice. I talked to people that failed the exam and are re-taking it again. They are actually some of the best people in their fields, not kidding. Focus on each question 1x1 of course. But again, I started to watch the clock and picked up my pace around question 80.
Also, pick an answer immediately, while you read them all too. This means you suspect a choice is right.. but you go downward to read them all. There were times this helped me immensely. If B appeared correct right away, but A did not, I clicked on B and continued down to C, then D. Until you click NEXT you can change your answer at will. More often than not, I believe my first choice was correct, but there were times I changed my first selection. At least choose something via elimination process as you commence, then finalize the review of answers. Clicking a choice keeps you physically engaged. There were times I went back to the question and individually weighed each answer against the question asking, "What is being requested--a process? a person? a fix?" I deliberated but I still always selected an answer beforehand WITHOUT clicking next. "ok, here's what you chose.. does this suffice and accommodate the question.. no? .. Yes? what else is better?"
by clicking an answer immediately, I created a baseline that could change within each question. If the question was straight forward, I did not deliberate. I selected my choice and moved on--I especially had to do this after 120 questions, as time was running out. Some questions took 10 minutes. Others took 10 seconds (those were scarce).
Electronically sign the NDA IMMEDIATELY. If you do not sign within 5 minutes, you forfeit the test/fee. Sit down, read it over, sign it. Click next. There was a screen that read, "you are about to begin the test. Click _____ to begin." I did. and the clock in right corner started.
If you must get up, raise your hand before doing so. Do not exit your desk at any time for any reason without raising your hand. They will come and get you (at my exam's end I gave up after having my hand raised for 2+minutes--I literally walked to the door and the lady did not like that--I told her I had raised my hand and she was maybe engrossed in her work and did not notice--I was nothing but cordial, but admitted to her I sat there with my hand raised in the room. She said I should have knocked on the wall, but I told her I did not want to disturb people in the room by knocking and she agreed that would be bad-- and she laughed--she made me walk back in the room, checked the terminal and saw I had indeed closed the test. When you complete the test, you of course click a button acknowledging you have completed the test. You cannot go back and change answers/re-read questions at any time, but they obviously want test takers to "complete" the test (at end) electronically for security purposes. I apologized again for walking and reiterated why I had walked.
I cannot think of anything else. Just study. You can do this. There is no magical solution other than to drill this material into your head. It takes time and many people will have different methods. I did watch a few Cybrary videos as my work paid for them, but frankly, those were less effective than Boson/Pocket prep/sybex online questions/YouTube/11th Hour. I could not concentrate reading the 8th Edition, as stated above. You can in fact make any method of study last a year if you weigh every single answer and create new mental questions against each answer.
Thanks for reading. Sorry I went on and on. I wish you all well and will tell you this exam is passable. You just have to think like a lawyer or CTO, but you must know how to fix problems too. It's not one vs the other. I've worked in telecommunications (LEC/internet/voice/video/SIP/ATM/MPLS/cloud/co-lo data center sales, business analyst, sales engineering) for 20 years. Security for 5 years overall. I have Network+, SIP SSCA, and loads of hands-on Avaya, SONUS, Lucent 5E, wiring experience, data center generator training as well.
I also had unplanned outpatient surgery on nose a few weeks before exam (MOHS). That was a pain because I had to wear bandages and get stitches etc. It all came together and worked out well, but looking back it was amazingly busy and hectic.

P.S. Throttling. The test undoubtedly adaptively throttles up and down to accommodate your knowledge. I could see easy questions, then hard questions, then harder questions. Some were long, others were very short. I am betting there is a repository of 50,000+ questions and they cycle through these by user. There is no way two users will get the same exam twice, etc. I even got paranoid... "why am I getting another SDLC question??? Does this mean I got that other SDLC one wrong 10 questions back????" You cannot afford to think like that. I have talked to enough people that get loads of BCP questions and zero SDLC, or Risk TCO, etc, to realize the exam likely randomly targets subject matters. There likely is no pattern all the time, but the exam is trying to adapt to your knowledge (neural). It was like a roller coaster but you just focus 1x1 and try not to think about it. One blessing is once you submit an answer, you cannot go back. In some weird way, that presents a finality. Otherwise, with the way this exam is worded, you may go back , etc and run out of time. It is an absolute blessing you can't go back. I have talked to people whom completed the 6-hour test with a pen/paper in past and have re-taken the new format. The consensus from them is the new questions/adaptive are "harder" much "more grey" despite being lower in quantity.
While one should be proud of passing the CISSP, I don't think anyone should gloat. I was (and am) very careful to be humble, especially at the training center in the parking lot where I saw people looking dejected (I am not sure what exams they'd taken, but still understand the emotional roller coaster tests can present).
I still have much to learn, but cannot deny I worked very hard studying for this exam. I will reiterate some of the top Security persons I know, with decades of experience, struggled with the exam and did not pass on first attempts. Those people are in high level engineering, management, SIEM support, and executive roles. What I adore about those people is they are transparent enough to share their honest experiences about why they think they did not pass, and how they passed on further attempts. they helped me. I also talked to several people that found the exam quite easy and those people were shocked others have so many issues. I find these people to be sincere, not conceited, but more "mechanical" in nature in terms of being able to write processes, policies, conduct independent audits, develop BCPs, and so on. Those groups did not struggle with this exam, but admitted it was a grueling exam experience and they too studied, just did not stress perhaps. One such person is a professional aircraft mechanic and he, for his current living, reads manuals while repairing planes for corporate and private flights--he has a Masters in aerospace and years of software development experience atop being an aircraft mechanic--he thought the exam was very straightforward. It's amazing to hear from so many people from so many areas studying and taking this test. I wish everyone well and thank you again for reading this
submitted by AlexLifesonsom to cissp [link] [comments]

Crystal Dynamics Official - The Known Issues and Workaround Megathread

Hi all,
Meagan here – I’m the Sr. Community & Social Media Manager at Crystal.
Threads move fast on Reddit and often there are multiple reports on the same issue. We realized that not everyone may see when we respond to individual threads and are hoping to resolve that with this sticky post!
We are scouring social media, Discord, and Reddit for your bug reports and feedback, but think a little context on what’s happening behind the scenes could help.
But first, I want to say that we hate bugs as much as you do. Although a lot of the issues below happen infrequently within the scope of the entire player base, your experience is our top priority, and each of you deserve the best possible experience we can deliver.
If you aren’t familiar with bug reporting or Quality Assurance protocol, to solve complex bugs, we have to reproduce them first. This means recreating the exact circumstances that triggered the bug, which allows us to put protections in place and keep it from happening again. This process requires that we gather data from players, and then use that data to solve the puzzle.
We are gathering information on bugs/crashes many ways:
  • From automatic platform reports: If you encounter a crash and your console prompts you to report a problem, please do! This information gets sent to us and is SUPER helpful, as it tells us what you were doing at the time of the crash. It’s easier for us to then pick out trends and address them!
  • Customer Support: Customer support reports are our second-best bet for gauging volume of issues and getting more information to help reproduce and resolve them. You can get in touch with our support team here:
  • Social Media: Social media gives us a great viewpoint into high-level bugs/issues individuals are facing, but it isn’t idea for one-on-one communication and information gathering. This is why we direct people on social to customer support, unless it is a known issue & we can quickly message a workaround. That being said, we have our community team and members of the dev team scouring social, reddit, discord, and more every day to gather and consolidate reports
  • Internal Testing: With the absence of our usual playtest lab due to the work-from-home environment, employee testing was incredibly important these past few months, and it was super cool to see everyone use their free time to rally behind bug-busting marathons. We’re still constantly playing our game and using it as an opportunity to surface bugs, tune, and optimize.
With this in mind, if you have a bug to report, there are some tips to help us get a clear picture of what bug/issue you are reporting. The more specific you can be, the better!
  • Platform & Region of Play
  • Headline/Summary of issue (Crashed. Froze. Cap has googly eyes)
  • Hero
  • Mission
  • What Happened (tell us what you were doing just before and when the issue happened)
  • Screenshot or Video (if possible)
  • If Multiplayer related, please also include power level and number of players in your Strike Team
When we surface a bug or bring in reports from Customer Support or Social Media, we prioritize them by severity and frequency, create our own internal strike teams with representation from all subject matter experts, and get to work to resolve it!
If you encounter a bug that is keeping you from enjoying play, the best bet is to reload the last checkpoint. This will often resolve issues. If that doesn't work, fully exiting the app and reloading the game is the suggested next step. If the issue persists, we have implemented a backup save function:
Backup Save: Available in the Settings menu, this feature backs up your save files. Your progress will be saved every hour. If you run into any issues with a corrupted save file, this can potentially help retrieve and revert to a different save file. Please note: This may not work for everyone, and will not address issues with save files that existed prior to this patch.
Here is the current list of our top priority known issues and when applicable, workarounds. We will update the status field with new information as we have it!
  • Presentation: Missions show up as already completed and do not refresh, which does not allow users to accept new ones in order to play them, causing them to miss out on rewards.
  • Status [9/18]: Actively investigating.
  • Presentation: Some Mission Chains are not completing properly when all requirements are met. (Example: Reigning Supreme)
  • Status [9/19]: Actively investigating. Try advancing any other Mission Chain by a single step. This will trigger an auto-complete of the incomplete Mission Chains and rewards will be issued.
  • NOTICE For the time being we suggest you hold on refreshing Weekly Missions if you see one missing.
  • Presentation: For those seeing a missing Weekly Mission, refreshing it would result in a crash.
  • Status [9/19]: We are actively investigating.
  • Presentation: Rarely this presents as an inability to continue in the mission Interrogation Anxiety due to not being able to interact with specific characters.
  • Status [9/6]: We are actively investigating.
  • Presentation: Reported issues with an array of trophies, including: Former Glory: Complete the “Iconic Avengers" mission chain Old Fashioned Beat Down: Complete HARM Challenges I to V The Best Defense: Defeat any 20 different enemy types Tentative Peace: Complete 15 Villain Sectors Gold Star Success: Complete 100 assignments Holding it Down: Complete 30 War Zones at Challenge III or higher rating
  • Status [9/18]: Fixed several known issues around PS4 Trophy bugs. We are actively investigating the remaining.
  • Presentation: This presents to some players in two ways:
1) This presented as costumes that were previously unlocked through campaign progress - such as the Stark Tech outfits - reverting to a locked state.
2) This presented as costumes that were previously unlocked through online play - such as Hero Challenge Card rewards, pattern drops, and faction vendors - reverting to a locked state
  • Status [9/19]: Most of these have been fixed, but there are some that haven't, including Iron Man's Iconic Outfit.
  • Presentation: Some characters are either missing a Skill Point or have an extra one.
  • Status [9/19]: We are actively working towards a fix.
  • Presentation: While progress is not appearing in-game, it is still being tracked on our end.
  • Status [9/5]: We are working to optimize the system and implement a fix so that players can see their combined progress in real-time!
  • Potential Workaround: N/A


V1.3.0 addressed several matchmaking issues. We are still working on improving this more.


  • Presentation: This presents as a rare bug with late-game campaign players, where they are loaded into the Golden Gate Bridge as the wrong character.
  • Status [9/8]: This should be resolved - if you encounter this bug, please contact customer service so we can continue to investigate.
  • Presentation: Hero Challenge Cards were not reflecting points earned through daily or weekly challenges.
  • Status [9/5]:Resolved: We have fixed an issue where Hero Challenge Cards were not properly reflecting earned points. We are also in the process of retroactively granting lost points, although this process may take several hours to complete. Thank you for your reports!

Patch Note Archive

We’re still hard at work to fix as many issues as we can. Please keep providing feedback to us!
submitted by CD_MeaganMarie to PlayAvengers [link] [comments]

Moving to Southport, way down at the end! Any tips/warnings/advice?

Hi everyone, thanks in advance for reading and contributing.
I'm moving to Southport from midtown, first home, at the new builds way down at the end of Jefferson. Late 20's couple with no kids yet, both working in downtown Sac.I had a few questions and also wanted to see if anyone points something out that I missed or has any good tips on local favorites or things to look out for.
And anything else you can think of that might be useful, please share!

I have searched the subreddit, the sac subreddit, and everywhere else online for answers. Most are outdated by a year or two, and I figured a fresh discussion could be helpful to others as well.
Thank you!
submitted by H2O4U to westsacramento [link] [comments]

The Trump Campaign's Accusations of Voter Fraud: An Exhaustive Analysis and Fact Check

Full disclosure: I'm not a Trump fan in the slightest. I don't spend an extraordinary amount of time talking about that fact on Reddit; but some of my comments do indeed express this view, either by way of serious commentary or lighthearted joking.
At the same time, I take impartial analysis and fact checking extremely seriously. I always push back against weak and/or unfounded accusations that are made against Trump, as I do for all other political figures — something I've done both on this account and on FactCheckHuman, my dedicated fact checking account.
Usually, my fact checks don't run much more than a couple of paragraphs. In some instances, though, I've done ultra–deep dives into an issue. This current post can certainly be considered one of these. As with any other fact check, the ultimate aim of these write-ups is simply to determine what is or isn't true; or what is or isn't likely to be true.
At the same time, this post also genuinely intends to persuade people of the speciousness and toxicity of the Trump campaign's current claims about voter fraud. To tell the truth, I kind of approached it as a synthesis of conversations I've been having with my conservative friends and family members, who are really on board with the Trump position on election integrity.
In any case, not everything is as simple as finding the facts and evidence, and letting these speak for themselves. Ideally that's how we want things to be; but often times there are a number of ambiguities that prevent this from being done so easily, in terms of varying interpretations that the evidence permits. In these instances, we basically have to make a reasonable judgment call about what's likely to be the case: educated guesses that try to fill in some of the gaps in the evidence.
Even here, though, I try to be similarly rigorous, and take a lead from what I call critical parsimony. In short, this tries to find the most "normal" and least sensational/conspiratorial explanation for something, while also bearing in mind some of the complexities and anomalies that might complicate the issue. Often times, these two different or seemingly contradictory aspects come together when we encounter some event or phenomenon that superficially seems exceptional and counterintuitive, but which turns out to be much less unusual than it appears to be. In short, this allows extraordinary events to be, well, rare.
In line with that last point, one of the most insightful things we can look at is events and situations, usually from the recent past, which can help contextualize and elucidate various things that have taken place in the current election — and things which have taken place in terms of people's reaction to this. So things like looking back to the 2016 or 2012 election can be crucial here, or other historical events that can give precedent for what's happening in 2020, and shed light on it.
I suppose the most obvious point of departure for this post is what we might describe as a main "narrative" that Donald Trump and the Trump campaign and its supporters have advanced in response to the election itself: that the election has been unusually fraught with irregularities and duplicitous/fraudulent intentions. Responsibility for these irregularities have almost always been placed at the feet of Democrats, and is clearly taken to represent an effort on Democrats' part to steal the election.
Obviously, I think a lot of Trump supporters and conservatives have accepted this narrative more or less at face value. Even before getting into some of the actual specifics of the claims of voter fraud, though, one thing that I've called attention to from the outset is how we might first consider the initial motivations behind the narrative itself a bit more critically, and how it comes together in the first place.
Not to get too philosophical or anything, but it's worth pointing out that whenever we have a political "narrative" like this, it's somewhat of an artificial construct. A bunch of different phenomena or allegations are brought together and crammed into one explanatory framework. Nuance or ambiguity becomes something secondary to promoting the narrative. Far too often, the cast is full of stereotyped protagonists and antagonists, divided along party lines.
Further, it's important not to lose sight of everything that's paved the way for such a bitter partisan narrative to emerge in the first place. The electoral process itself probably never been neutral affair, and is still intensely partisan in numerous aspects — from the emergence of the Electoral College itself, to the crafting and enforcing of state voting laws and guidelines. At lower levels, issues of gerrymandering have been a serious problem; and at all levels, different political parties have fought in the courts to try to influence voter eligibility and voter turnout in their own favor.
In tandem with this, beyond the judiciary itself, political parties also wage many of these same battles in the court of public opinion.
In this current instance, the overarching narrative in question — of Democrat attempts to unlawfully steal the election — indeed seems to target public opinion above all else. And it far predates the 2020 election itself, too. Even before running in 2015, Trump had previously suggested that President Obama's original election was assisted by fraudulent votes being cast by dead voters. During the 2016 Iowa caucus, Trump accused Ted Cruz and his campaign of having committed fraud, and called for a "new election" or that the results be nullified; and he leveled a similar accusation against Marco Rubio in the Florida primary, too.
In August of 2016, regarding the general election, Trump claimed that "[t]he only way we can lose . . . Pennsylvania . . . is if cheating goes on." He continued to frequent challenge the integrity of the election leading up to November; and even after his victory, he stated that he "won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally" — implying there had been upwards of 3 million "illegal" votes. Very closely echoing what we'd see in 2020, after the 2018 Florida Senatorial election, Trump stated that "[t]he Florida Election should be called in favor of Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis in that large numbers of new ballots showed up out of nowhere, and many ballots are missing or forged. An honest vote count is no longer possible-ballots massively infected. Must go with Election Night!"
In May and June 2020, Trump began ramping up claims that fraudulent mail-in ballots would be printed in vast droves, both by domestic entities and "maybe by the millions by foreign powers." Again, this would be insisted on time and time again; and finally, echoing his sentiments in late November 2016, on November 7 Trump declared that "I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!", and later reiterating that he received 71,000,000 "legal" votes. (An exhaustive catalogue of Trump's allegations re: voter fraud can be found here.)
It's hard to deny that Trump's public-facing view has always proposed voter fraud and irregularities as ubiquitous things affecting a large number of elections. But it's precisely the one-sidedness of his seeing monsters in every shadow here that points toward another explanation. Trump's accusatory or even paranoid worldview can be seen as something like a microcosm reflecting a much wider trend in historical political rhetoric around elections.
Even when Trump is taken out of the picture altogether, the propagandistic function of allegations of election fraud has still been frequently noted by a number of scholars and historians who specialize in election studies. In a 2007 paper for the Brennan Center for Justice at the NYU School of Law, for example, American constitutional law scholar Justin Levitt calls attention to the emotional resonance that claims of voter fraud can elicit — and also notes its prevalence because of this:
Allegations of election-related fraud make for enticing press. Voter fraud, in particular, has the feel of a bank heist caper: roundly condemned but technically fascinating, and sufficiently lurid to grab and hold headlines. Perhaps because these stories are dramatic, voter fraud makes a popular scapegoat. In the aftermath of a close election, losing candidates are often quick to blame voter fraud for the results, and legislators cite voter fraud as justification for various new restrictions on the exercise of the franchise. ("The Truth About Voter Fraud," abstract)
Similarly, Raymond Gastil, writing in an article in the journal Studies In Comparative International Development in 1990, noted that
in many new or transitional countries, it is standard practice for the opposition to point out before the election how the government will "steal" the election. If the opposition loses, it will then make strenuous claims that the election was stolen. Thus the ARENA party in El Salvador has claimed fraud in each of the several elections in the 1980s; most recently it won the election and yet claimed that it was robbed of the greater win to which it was entitled. Claims and counterclaims of this nature are seldom subject to verification, even for those on the ground.
Although the U.S. obviously isn't a new or transitional country, it's impossible not to see close parallels to the accusations of Trump here — especially the similarity between the claim of having been "robbed of the greater win to which it was entitled" and Trump sweetening his electoral win by insisting that he won the popular vote, too, so long as "illegal" votes are deducted from the tally.
But when these claims are put to the test, in actuality, scholarly studies have long demonstrated that the prevalence of true voter fraud in general in U.S. elections is minuscule. A Brennan Center for Justice special report on voter fraud compiles and links to many if not most major studies on voter fraud in the U.S., concluding that together these studies paint a clear picture that voter fraud "very rarely happens." (See also my Endnote for more on this.)
So, statistics paints a much different picture than political rhetoric would have us believe.
If the bogeyman here is more of a phantasm than anything, however, it's still a powerful tool for influencing electorates: "voter fraud and voter suppression allegations are strongly used as a mobilization tool by parties during significant elections (Hasen, 2012; Levitt, 2007)." (This quote is taken from Fogarty, Kimball and Kosnik's article "The Media, Voter Fraud, and the U.S. 2012 Elections," published in the Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. This article is especially worth reading to get a bit more background about some of the things that set the stage for the 2016 and 2020 elections and their rhetoric.)
One last thing: Population growth and other factors have led to a vastly increased number of voters over the past couple of decades. In 2000, just a little over 100 million people voted, while in the current election this number went up to 130 million. Further, the transition to electronic voting and the use of tabulating machines has increased significantly during this time, too.
Because of these things — all further complicated by COVID this year — both statistics and common wisdom alone should lead us to expect a large number of voting irregularities. But it's also important not to conflate irregularities with voter fraud. Irregularities are simply errors, that don't necessarily require bad human intentions at all. However, with realpolitik at its ugly peak in the election cycle, this offers an opportunity for political pundits to read deliberate ill intentions into these incidents, whether by innuendo or explicit accusation. But it should also be kept in mind that if irregularities are unintentional, and if political affiliation in the U.S. is split roughly equally, then these irregularities should also affect the two political parties roughly equally; probably in similar proportions.
Finally, the increasing partisan divide between media outlets, along with their selective coverage, probably makes it easy to overlook (or perhaps forget) the great number of lawsuits routinely filed by both Democratic and Republican attorneys, both in the lead-up to the election and in the wake of its inevitable irregularities: efforts to block or secure votes from voting populations likely to favor one or the other of the two parties. It should be clear here, then, that an overemphasis on irregularities and claims and fraud are often treated as rhetorical and legal tools in service of political self-interests.
With all these things considered — and again, even if we set the political situation in 2020 aside, along with some of the specific claims of voter fraud that are currently being made — this should still give us ample reason to rethink how accusations of voter fraud function more broadly: what's in it for those making these accusations, politically speaking; how these claimants often see little use for factual accuracy or measured analysis here; and how this perpetuates toxic discourse and bad-faith assumptions.
Claims of Election Irregularities and Fraud in 2020: A Catalogue and Commentary
So this second part of the post is going to be a sort of compendium of a lot of the major allegations of voting irregularities and voter fraud that have been circulating, followed by a critical analysis of these. While some of these irregularities are clearly broad and would affect both political parties, I'm pretty sure that almost every one of these claims has circulated widely in conservative and/or pro-Trump sources; and most have been interpreted as a partisan attack on election integrity. I'm sure that there have been other incidents or alleged incidents that have circulated on the left; but this post is already extremely long and took quite a while to write, and I don't want to make more work for myself.
I'll probably be updating this in the days to come, as more info on various things comes out.
Finally, as a sort of transition point between my probably-far-too-long prologue and the catalogue, I think it can be very instructive to take a look at a compendium of voting irregularities in 2016 — to help get some additional context and perspective for how similar issues can and did surface in the 2020 election.
Claim: It's suspicious how additional Biden votes have kept magically appearing, long after election day, pushing his total over Trump's prior total.
Response: I've put this in the initial position because it seems to be one of the most common observations of accusations: it was one of the first that Trump made, and which he continued to repeat. But among all the different accusations here, this has one of the most mundane explanations.
Prior to the election itself, and noting various state laws pertaining to the tabulation of mail-in votes, various commentators called attention to a likely phenomenon of delayed results for mail-in ballots — which have skewed heavily Democrat. Dave Wassermann noted, for example, that
in northern battlegrounds such as Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin . . . officials are not permitted to begin processing mail ballots until the day of the election (or, in Michigan's case, the day before). In those states, a "red mirage" of Trump-heavy Election Day votes could linger until larger metro counties report huge tranches of early ballots later in the evening.
(As for mail-in votes skewing highly Democrat, this also has mundane explanations. For reasons that are less than clear, on numerous occasions Trump strongly discouraged his supporters from voting by mail. Unfortunately I don't have the room to fully get into this, though there's certainly some interesting/surprising data about just how overwhelmingly blue mail-in voting skewed even in a number of red strongholds.)
Further, sometimes this claim has appeared in the bit more specific iteration, suggesting that it wasn't just suspicious how Biden votes kept coming in to counteract Trump's tally, but also how precisely Biden's total crept past Trump — as if it was known exactly how many votes Biden needed to just barely scrape past him. But this also has a deceptively simple explanation: the extremely slim margin of victory for Biden in states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania basically mirrored the same ultra-slim margin of victory for Trump in these same states in 2016, but now just the other way around. Honing in on PA, for example, we can also see how Biden just marginally outperformed Clinton in terms of cutting into Trump's lead in many red areas.
Even the 2016 election in Georgia saw a significant blue shift, especially in the Atlanta metropolitan area — which presaged Biden's performance in 2020, also bolstered by the efforts of those like Stacey Abrams to register an enormous number of new GA voters.
Claim: Some counties saw a suspicious or even impossible ratio of votes for Biden.
Response: The most widespread claim of this pertained to Michigan returns as posted by Decision Desk HQ (DDHQ) in the early morning of November 4. A screenshot of the returns at two different times here appeared to show the DDHQ vote tally for Biden go up by 128,000 votes from the previous update, but with no change at all to Trump's total.
Later that morning, it was clear what had happened: shortly after the original entry error (in Shiawassee County), DDHQ had subtracted the erroneous inflated vote update for Biden — something that obviously required no alteration of the tally for Trump. However, the screenshot that circulated gave the misleading impression that it was an addition of Biden votes, instead of a subtraction. (My original detailed explanation of this can be seen on FactCheckHuman/.)
A similar claim has been made around the same time in the Wisconsin totals. Here a chart is linked, and it's suggested that there was a huge vertical surge of votes for Biden in the hour or so before 6:00 am, but with no change at all in Trump votes. But the explanation here is almost goofy in its simplicity: as seen at other points in the chart, the blue Biden line actually covers the red Trump line at various points. The big vertical Biden vote jump in question is almost certainly simply covering up a smaller vertical jump for Trump, and then continues to obscure it until it ends (otherwise we'd be able to see the horizontal trajectory of the red line). I've lost the original source of this, but I had actually saved another chart which shows the same phenomenon of big vertical leaps, only this time with the red Trump line obscuring the blue Biden line.
Claim: The significantly lower number of total votes for Democratic Senators compared to Biden votes in individual states is indicative of something sketchy — when compared to the much smaller mismatch between Trump/Senator votes.
Response: Several articles — e.g. "Swing States Show Biden Votes Suspiciously Far Exceeding Democrat Down-Ticket Votes" — note that there was a significant difference in the ratio of Trump votes to GOP Senator votes in Michigan and Georgia (nearly an equal number of votes in both), compared with the ratio of Biden votes relative to votes for the Democrat Senator in these states (significantly lower).
But this seems to be part of a wider trend of Democrats failing to pay a similar interest in down-ballot candidates. In the 2016 Georgia election, the ratio difference was significantly more drastic: 2,089,104 votes for Trump and 2,135,806 for Isakson, versus 1,877,963 for Clinton but only 1,599,726 for Barksdale — some 275,000 fewer votes for Barksdale than for Clinton. In Wisconsin, there were nearly 75,000 more votes for Ron Johnson than Trump, but 20,000 fewer for Russ Feingold. In PA in 2016, there were 20,000 fewer votes for the GOP Senator as for Trump, compared to 60,000 fewer for the Democratic Senate candidate than for Clinton. (Surprisingly, I haven't been able to find any commentary on this phenomenon. If anyone knows any, please direct me to it.)
Presumably having tabulated similar data from the other states, Trump attorney Sidney Powell has recently noted that there were 450,000 ballots "in the key states that miraculously only have a mark for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate." But based on what I've noted above, I'd be willing to bet that this isn't truly miraculous. Also, as a fascinating fact, in the 2016 election, 1.75 million (!) voters refrained from voting for a Presidential candidate entirely, only voting down-ballot. And frankly, I find it easier to imagine someone only voting for a Presidential candidate, than only voting down-ballot.
Claim: There have been over 3,000 instances of voter fraud in Nevada, with non-NV residents voting in the NV election.
Response: According to the official Nevada Secretary of State site, "Nevada residents who are students in another state or are otherwise temporarily residing in another state may vote in the 2020 Nevada general election." Similarly, apparently a look at the complete list of 3,000+ voters here turns up a number of overseas military personnel; though when I took a look at that, I didn't really see many. Even further, a fact check of this same claim by PolitiFact also notes that "[p]eople who move within 30 days before an election can cast a vote in their new state, or in their prior state of residence, in-person or via absentee ballot." (In this regard, one of the statements by former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt may also be of interest, which was a bit more specific in noting that "[w]e are also certain there are thousands of people whose votes have been counted who have moved out of Clark County during the pandemic" — emphasis mine.)
Finally, perhaps also worth noting is that there are actually allegations of irregularities in the attainment of information in the first place — at least in the version of the criminal referral to AG William Barr that Trump campaign spokesperson Tim Murtaugh submitted.
Claim: The votes of those in Arizona who filled out a ballot by hand using a Sharpie were/would be invalidated.
Response: Various Arizona county officials have disputed that this would automatically invalidate a vote. That being said, there are indeed reports of tabulating machines rejecting votes after voters used Sharpies and noted a bleed-through of the ink. This finds some additional support from the official Pima County Twitter, where it was written that "[f]elt pens are discouraged because the ink can bleed through." However, another source states that
According to a video Maricopa County published on Oct. 24, Sharpies — at home and at the ballot box — are compatible with their scanners, and were actually the best choice for filling out ballots, due to their fast-drying ink.
Claim Some of the votes of those in Maricopa County, Arizona were rejected due to stray marks or (possibly) ink bleed-through; yet some poll workers seemed unable to help voters remedy this and cast a valid vote, due to their own confusion about how the tabulating machines worked.
Response: This is the subject of a lawsuit by the Trump campaign and RNC, etc.; and from a cursory read of the complaint, it seems to be well-founded. I have no clue what the remedy for this would be, though.
Claim: Poll workers have seen brazenly filling out ballots themselves.
Response: Several PolitiFact fact checks (1, 2) have already covered this. In short, it's standard operating procedure for the voting choices of damaged ballots to be transferred/transcribed onto a new, non-damaged ballot. This can even happen on a massive scale, as this report on the 2012 Florida election notes:
During the election, the county’s ballot printer sent out around 60,000 absentee ballots with a typo that could not be read by the county’s tabulation machines. Because of this mistake, county workers had to copy about 35,000 of the votes by hand onto new ballots.
This also intersects with Arizona's SharpieGate slightly: one fact check re: SharpieGate noted that
According to the state's elections procedures manual, if a felt-tip pen mark does bleed through, the ballot will likely get sent for duplication. An election worker will fill out a new ballot using the voter's choices that will be read properly by tabulation machines.
I'm not sure what measures are in place to ensure that the poll workers don't switch the votes in these instances (besides any poll observers who could see this); but in any case, the "risk" of one's vote being switched seems to be equal for Democrat and Republican voters — something that was also noted by the Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (Republican).
In any case, as for more on spoiled ballots: a Project Veritas article (which I can't link due to a Reddit-wide ban) claims that its journalists had found 8 to 10 spoiled ballots in Quakertown, PA. I'm mentioning this here because I had been sort of curious what's supposed to be done with spoiled ballots; and apparently, as the article notes, "Pennsylvania law requires spoiled ballots to be held for 22 months after an election." I know a 22 months retention for some election materials is indeed found in federal law, though I haven't seen anything else that specifies what's to be done with spoiled ballots.
Claim(s): Donald Trump and others shared reports that there had been some sort of unspecified reporting error in a batch of votes in Fulton County, GA. Later it was stated in ambiguous language on ABC7's Twitter account that this reporting error "has taken @JoeBiden's lead in Georgia from 4,000 votes to 7,000 votes." This was interpreted by many to mean that the (correction of this) error was actually in Biden's favor.
Response: What actually appears to have happened is that the reporting error pertained to votes within the batch that originally had given Biden a 3,000 vote lead — but it wasn't that there were actually 3,000 votes that were mistabulated. The true number of affected votes within the batch appears to have been 342; and there's actually no information as to what the Biden/Trump split here was.
Claim: Glitches in voting machine software should cause things like crashes, and not the sort of vote switching that's been reported.
Response: Due to the complicated nature of some of the tabulation errors, etc., news reports have sometimes mistakenly ascribed these to software glitches — when later, more accurate info comes out which gives other causes. For example, a Detroit Free Press article originally suggested that the results of a local race in Oakland County, MI had been overturned when it was discovered that a "computer error" or "technical glitch" had accidentally given votes to the Democratic candidate, and not the Republican one.
But an article in the NYTimes from yesterday actually reiterates how this and several other reported errors actually have human error as the primary or sole cause here. Re: that local election in Oakland County, it notes that
County election workers had mistakenly counted votes from the city of Rochester Hills, Mich., twice, according to the Michigan Department of State. The workers later spotted the error.
That being said, it's also not exactly true that things like vote-flipping can only be caused by human error. In the section "The Challenge of Aging Machines" in a 2014 Brennan Center report on voting machine risks, for example, this discusses instances of vote-flipping that come from calibration errors caused by touch screens that shift and degrade over time. An NPR article from 2016 makes similar observations, while also reporting on how this led to widespread accusations of these votes instead being deliberately "rigged."
[Edit:] I figured it was worth it to actually expand this section by looking back at incidents prior to 2020 wherein one candidate's votes were mistakenly given to another (and other related phenomena) in initial tallies — whether this was due to human error, machine error, or sometimes both in conjunction.
It's actually somewhat hard to paint a comprehensive picture of previous Election Night reporting errors like this. Those having never made the news in the first place were probably quickly forgotten. Perhaps there's a trove of early reports of these left to be (re)discovered on Twitter; but this can only take us back so far, considering its fairly recent rise in popularity. However, we can still find records of these in various publications. This internal report by CBS News on its Election Night 2000 coverage, discussing the reporting of votes from various FL counties, for examples, notes that
Vote reports from Volusia County severely understated Gore’s actual total when a faulty computer memory card reported votes that were off by thousands. That precinct, Number 216, subtracted more than 16,000 votes from Gore’s total and added votes to Bush’s total. In addition, an apparent reporting error in Brevard County reduced Gore’s total by an additional 4,000 votes.
It also briefly notes other errors, too, such as
In Massachusetts, 30,000 votes were left uncounted in 51 precincts because of human error.
In New Mexico, election officials thought that a handwritten notation about absentee votes from one precinct indicated 120 votes for Gore, when the actual number was 620.
An article in the Denver Post re: the 2016 Colorado primary notes "a reporting error on caucus night":
The problem . . . occurred when a volunteer at Byers Middle School in Denver punched the wrong vote tallies from 10 precincts into the party’s interactive voice response system for the presidential preference poll.
The state party’s website reported March 1 that Sanders won 14,624 votes, or 54 percent, in Denver County and Clinton took 12,097 votes, or 45 percent.
But the corrected numbers for Denver County give Sanders 15,194 votes, or 56.5 percent, and Clinton with 11,527, or 43 percent, according to official party results.
A Brennan Center report on voting machine failures includes a very long list of human and machine errors in various U.S. elections. Among some of the most significant of those listed include the 2002 Alabama gubernatorial election, where
The Birmingham News and the New York Times reported that an error in the way officials downloaded vote data from a computer cartridge led to an incorrect initial tally of votes in the gubernatorial election. The initial tally of the votes showed that the Democratic incumbent had received 19,070 votes in Baldwin County. A reexamination of the vote tallies showed that the incumbent received only 12,736 votes, which gave the victory to his Republican challenger.
Further, in the 2004 Presidential and congressional elections,
local officials discovered an error in eight Diebold scanners that had been used on 208,446 absentee ballots. According to the North County Times, votes were miscounted in both the Democratic presidential primary race and the primary race for the Republican U.S. Senate seat. A recount was conducted, revealing that “2,821 absentee ballots cast for Democratic presidential hopeful John Kerry were actually counted for Dick Gephardt.” Similarly, in the Senate race, 68 votes for one candidate and six votes for another were credited to a third candidate. The Union Tribune reported that multiple scanners caused the error, feeding data into the tabulation system at once.
An article on irregularities in the 2018 midterms in GA begins
To find a clue about what might have gone wrong with Georgia’s election last fall, look no further than voting machine No. 3 at the Winterville Train Depot outside Athens.
On machine No. 3, Republicans won every race. On each of the other six machines in that precinct, Democrats won every race.
Claim: A very serious instance of (electronic) vote-flipping has taken place in Antrim County, MI, where 6,000 Trump votes were accidentally flipped to Biden. This has been one of the most widely reported instances recently, usually accompanied by a note that 47 other counties in Michigan used the same faulty software as that responsible for the vote-flipping in Antrim County.
Response: More accurately, the actual votes themselves weren't switched at all here; and for that matter, the error seems to have been more human than electronic. What appears to have happened is that a county clerk hadn't manually updated the software which was responsible for compiling the votes for reporting; and consequently, "even though the tabulators counted all the ballots correctly, those accurate results were not combined properly when the clerk reported unofficial results."
[Edit:] A while after writing this, by chance I came across some more info which either sheds more light on all this, or makes the whole thing a bit more complicated (or both). According to this AP article, the President of the company who made the voting software explained that "a minor correction was made to a ballot that caused additional compounding changes to how the software totals and presented the data"; and an article in the NYTimes similarly states that election security experts and state officials concluded "that an election worker had configured ballot scanners and reporting systems with slightly different versions of the ballot."
Claim: There was suspicious activity around items and containers brought into a Detroit absentee ballot counting center in the early hours of November 4, after the deadline for these to arrive.
Response: This claim — including video footage and pictures — was shared by Eric Trump; and in it it's been intimated that these were fraudulent absentee ballots. However, the man in the video footage has been identified as an employee of Detroit's ABC affiliate WXYZ; and the items in question were his camera equipment.
I'm right at the character limit here — continuing in a comment below.
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